Saturday, August 15, 2009


The past weeks of raining brought some attitude for the people of Mindoro. A week ago we went to kambingan, some kilometers from Pag-asa, Sablayan. Vehicles cannot pass through the road for there were some landslides. For the past days, workers from the DPWH tried to open the roads. There were two backhoes working side by side. Commuters on the other hand try to pass on the four-foot mud scattered on the road.There were men from the area helping the commuters to pass for a fee. They asked motorcycle drivers for P100 so that their motorcycle can pass. For poor drivers there is no alternative. They cannot do anything. DPWH tolerated it. Actually they can push the muds and open the road so that small vehicles can drive through yet for some "unknown reasons" they did not. Just a couple of days ago, I heard that a big motorcycle is asked to pay P250.00 to pass. What a shame. Instead of helping the commuters they use that as an avenue to collect fees. Is this included in Programang Patrabaho ni Gloria?

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